Phone bills can be much more expensive than the everyday person might expect, depending on if you have a smartphone or a more basic cellular phone, or how many members of the family are on your family plan, or depending on how much you are texting and calling.
The good news is, multiple programs exist that are funded by the government to help those in need pay their phone bill, or even to help someone who needs a cellular phone but cannot afford one to get a phone. For those that qualify for the government programs that exist to help you get the accommodations and resources you need but can’t currently afford, you can potentially not just qualify to receive assistance getting a phone and paying your phone bill, but you would typically also be qualified for a host of other cash assistance government programs as well.
Lifeline is one federal government program that works to provide those who cannot currently afford a phone with both a cell phone and assistance for the phone bill. The main purpose of Lifeline is to help negotiate a reduction in your monthly rate of internet or phone charges.
Lifeline is only able to cover either internet or phone charges, but not both. Another stipulation is that only one Lifeline line can be used in a household, multiple is not permitted.
Individuals who apply and are already qualified for other government benefits are automatically qualified for Lifeline phone assistance.
Assurance Wireless is another federal program under the umbrella of the Lifeline Assistance program. The Assurance Wireless program specifically provides those low-income customers who qualify with free monthly data, unlimited texting, and free monthly minutes for their cellular phone plans.
SafeLink Wireless is another federal program under the umbrella of the Lifeline Assistance program. Through the SafeLink program, if you are a qualified customer, you can receive a cellular phone free of charge as well as receive assistance getting your phone bills covered.
Other programs that allow the applicants to be automatically qualified include:
- Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA).
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
- SNAP (food stamps).
- Survivors Benefit or Tribal programs.
- Medicaid.
- Veterans Pension.
The Lifeline applications can be found online using Lifeline National Verifier to apply, or you can use a paper application and mail it in. When applying make sure you have all your official documents as proof.
Here are some of the big phone companies that participate in the Lifeline program:
- Assurance Wireless.
- Verizon Wireless.
- AT&T Mobility.
- T-Mobile.
- Safelink Wireless.
- CenturyLink.
You can also contact certain phone companies directly to get a Lifeline as many of the big phone companies participate in the Lifeline program. Once approved, $9.25 comes out of your monthly bill.
Now that you have learned how to receive assistance for your phone bills, you might have other bills that need help being paid. Water and utility bills are some of the hardest to get paid when you are low on money to get all of your bills paid. Next, learn about how you can get assistance paying your water bill.
By Admin –