For many people, the best part of having a credit card is receiving a few hundred dollars back every month to apply to your credit card balance. You might be thinking: Why would credit cards pay you money every month? 

The answer is this: If you have a credit card that offers you cash back, this means that the credit card company will give you money back for every purchase you make. At the end of the month, depending on how much you spend, you can receive up to hundreds of dollars back to apply to your monthly credit card bill.

The Highest Cash Back Credit Cards Receive Money Back
cash back credit cards
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If you are looking for credit cards offering the highest rewards and returns for their cardholders, then these cash back cards deliver. A best rewards  credit card offers low APR, double cash back, signing bonuses and more. One of the key features of these cards is that it gives you cash back for services and purchases that most people normally make, instead of requiring you purchase from their list of approved vendors. 

The following cards have earned top marks from consumers for many years. 

The Chase Freedom Flex Card is at the head of the class when it comes to cash back cards. With the Chase Freedom Flex Card, you receive 5% cash back on all purchases related to traveling and an additional 5% on other special offers each quarter. This can amount to as much as $1500 depending on how much you spend. The Chase Freedom Flex Card is one of the highest cash back cards on the market today. 

What’s more, the Discover It Cash Back Card is a close second to the Chase card. The Discover It Cash Back Card also offers 5% cash back on gas, groceries, and other purchases made on Amazon. In addition, the card also offers 5% cash back rewards when you pay through the PayPal service. The Discover It Cash back Card is different from the Discover It Student Card, because it comes with many more perks and benefits. Depending on how much you spend, you could earn as much as $1000 every single quarter in cash back rewards.

Another credit card to consider is the Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card. This card offers a $200 sign up bonus, unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases, zero annual fee, and the cash back options never expire. You need a good to excellent credit rating to score this card, but it is well worth aiming for. 

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By Admin